Come Visit Us
If you are a book lover, a book collector, or just looking for a good affordable read, you have come to the right place. We have thousands of pre read books. From fiction to nonfiction, from graphic novels to cooking books—our store has it all. Drop by anytime and discover an eclectic selection where you are sure to find something that appeals to you. You an also visit our online inventory at Abe Books. We will be slowly adding more inventory so keep checking back.

Lakeside Bookshop is an independently owned bookshop selling quality used books. We have over 80,000 volumes and more coming all the time. Lakeside Bookshop has been in operation for over 30 years. Originally opened as Books by the Lake, by Frank and Carol Cullinan in 1993, the shops was purchased by Catherine and Mark Meister in November of 2023. Mark, an avid book collector, had been a frequent visitor to the store since it opened. He and his family enjoyed browsing the books regularly. In fact when his son brought his wife for her very first visit to New Hampshire, Books by the Lake is where he took her. After Frank’s passing Carol continued to run the shop until her recent passing in March of 2023. Mark and Catherine plan to continue the Cullinan’s tradition of running a quality used bookshop that caters to the personal needs of the wonderful people who come to the shop. Books are not just something you purchase, Books shape the person you are and will become. Mark takes seriously his role in recommending books and guiding and directing people to the books that they will enjoy. Come by and visit us soon.

Come Visit Us
Summer Hours Friday through Monday 10 AM to 5 PM and other times by appointment

We sell our inventory on line through Abe Books. We hope you will visit our on line store. We will be adding inventory slowly so check back regularly.
Check out our listing books at Abebooks.com. We have recently begun uploading our New Hampshire Inventory. Signed First Editions, Biography and History